Secure Book Ordering


Белла Барто

Американский Бог: Сакральные тайны Соединенных Штатов и личная история иммиграции

Bella Barto

American God: Sacred Mysteries of the United States and a Personal Immigration Story

708 pages

Now in stock


Если вам нужно прочесть только одну книгу, чтобы узнать Америку, а заодно понять тайны этой жизни, прочтите этот захватывающий нон-фикшн. Книга полна массы сногсшибательной информации, которую вы не знали раньше и которая не оставит вас равнодушным. Название "Американский Бог" — не просто метафора. Это книга об американцах и их Боге. Об умопомрачительной мистике событий прошлого, настоящего и неизвестного будущего этой страны, исследованной иммигрантом — историком и журналистом. Эту книгу невозможно описать. Ее НУЖНО ЧИТАТЬ!


Белла Барто — псевдоним журналистки, писателя и историка, родившейся в СССР, иммигрировавшей в Америку и получившей в США политическое убежище и гражданство. Белла занимается исследованиями особенностей американского общества, культуры, религии, истории и политики.


If you must read only one book to get to know America, and at the same time understand the mysteries of life, consider this exciting non-fiction work. The book is full of stunning information that you did not know before and that will not leave you indifferent. The title "American God" is not just a metaphor. This is a book about Americans and their God—about the astonishing providence of events, and the past, present, and unknown future of this country—explored by an immigrant historian and journalist. This book is impossible to describe. It MUST BE READ!


Bella Barto is the pseudonym of a journalist, writer, and historian who was born in the Soviet Union, immigrated to America, and received political asylum and citizenship in the United States. Bella studies the features of American society, culture, religion, history, and politics.


Secure Book Ordering


Debra Lynn Roeder

Fundamentals of Drawing:

Lessons and Workbook

128 pages

Now in stock online at Barnes & Noble


Having developed a proven curriculum for students of all ages, Debra Lynn Roeder now offers a published art programFundamentals of Drawing: Lessons and Workbook—that leads students step by step through the artistic process to create beautiful pencil drawings.


This material has been successfully used to teach students from four to sixty-eight years of age in multiple settings ranging from homeschool to public school to private tutoring. During more than twenty years of teaching, Debra observed that the process of learning to draw also helps students to develop confidence and skills in perceiving, creating, reflecting and critiquing, motivation, discipline, perseverance, willingness to take risks, cooperation and collaboration, productivity, and craftsmanship. These are valued qualities in the working world and life in general!


Debra celebrates her students' achievements. Several of them have been accepted into Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Washington. Others have entered the fields of graphic design, visual merchandising, theater set design, engineering, and various professional and personnel roles.


Starting from the basics, students of Debra's first-year curriculum develop and grow the skills needed to draw realistic still lifes and their own self-portraits. This unique publication contains both self-directed lessons and workbook pages, providing a full year's worth of material suitable for individual or group learning environments. In thirty-two lessons, budding artists proceed through three parts: 1) Drawing Fundamentals, 2) Still Life and Artwork Creation, and 3) Human Subjects and Self-Portrait. From there—using these new ideas, tools, and techniques—the artist's own creative possibilities have no limit!


Happy drawing!

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